
The Historical Society of the Muncipality of Sorell is a not-for-profit incorporated association with an active volunteer committee.

Since 1993 we have been collecting and recording stories, photographs and artefacts that tell the story of the Sorell district of south east Tasmania – from Orielton to Marion Bay, from Nugent to Primrose Sands and of course the townships of Sorell, Dodges Ferry, Dunalley and others. We publish the Pitt Water Chronicles, our journal of local history articles and memoirs, we host events from time to time,  run a Facebook page and the very popular Sorell History Society Facebook group.

New members are very welcome (just $20 annual family subscription). Come along to a monthly meeting or phone Graeme Evans on 0418 462 591 or Peta Kelly on 0437 588 848 if you have a question or would like to take a look through the many photos, records and artefacts at our History Room at Sorell Memorial Hall. Important items from our collection are on the eHive online catalogue.

Pitt Water Chronicles Vol 3 published June 2021 and updated January 2022
Timeline panels in the Sorell Council foyer commemorated the 200th anniversary of the naming of Sorell township
Sorell Remembers 1914-1919 (Nov 2019)
Graeme Evans and Rebecca White MP launching PWC2 at Dunalley Hall, May 2017
Dell Iles and Graeme Evans at PWC2 launch, May 2017
PWC2 launched May 2017 $25
PWC1 launched July 2015 $20


Sorell Historical Society outgoing and incoming office bearers at the AGM 21 August 2014 (L-R) Tony Bruce-Mullins, Graeme Evans, Gwen Reynolds, Peter Macfie, Peta Kelly, Barbara Kregor, Cath Griffiths
Sorell Historical Society outgoing and incoming office bearers at the AGM 21 August 2014 (L-R) Tony Bruce-Mullins, Graeme Evans, Gwen Reynolds, Peter Macfie, Peta Kelly, Barbara Kregor, Cath Griffiths
Mrs Gwen Reynolds, Mrs Barbara Kregor and Mrs Catherine Griffiths at the January 2014 meeting of the Historical Society of the Municipality of Sorell Inc.
Life members Mrs Gwen Reynolds, Mrs Barbara Kregor and Mrs Catherine Griffiths at the January 2014 meeting of the Historical Society of the Municipality of Sorell Inc.